Dear Body,
Where do I start? We certainly have been through a lot together. I still remember the time when I was 6-years-old and came down with the chicken pox. I was red, itchy and miserable and still have a scar from when I scratched one of those annoying bumps on my forehead, but in the end, you got me through it and everything was ok.
I remember the time in high school when I came down with pneumonia and could do nothing but lay in bed for weeks and weeks. I finally went to the hospital and it felt like I was dying, but again you got me through it and everything was ok.
At the time I thought these were the worst of the worst until I came to college and found out otherwise. With college came an extra 20 pounds, stress, fatigue and so much more. I have learned that I need to take care of you twice as hard as I have in the past. I’ve tried my best, but sometimes the stress just takes over and that chocolate cake or fast food doesn’t seem so bad at the time. Just when I think you are about to give up on me, you somehow pull through and in the end, everything is ok.
It wasn’t until I sat down to write this letter that I really thought about how important you are to me. Even though there are times when I don’t like you very much and wish you looked a certain way, different from the way you are, if this were to happen, you wouldn’t be you. You are the outer-shell for all of my thoughts, feelings, love, anger, sadness and happiness. Through everything, I have learned to love you and appreciate you for everything that you are - amazing, unique and beautiful.
We have already been through so much and I look forward to the rest of our journey together. I will also remember to thank mom for making you possible.
This blog was created as part of my honors course called "Women, Weight & Worry."
The media and fashion world create an increasing pressure to look and feel "beautiful." On an every day basis, we are constantly bombarded with contradictory messages on how we should feel about our bodies. My hope for this blog is that by providing an outlet for discussion of these feelings, we can paint a strong, honest, realistic picture of just how much of an impact this has on everyday life and what can be done to begin to make a difference.
The media and fashion world create an increasing pressure to look and feel "beautiful." On an every day basis, we are constantly bombarded with contradictory messages on how we should feel about our bodies. My hope for this blog is that by providing an outlet for discussion of these feelings, we can paint a strong, honest, realistic picture of just how much of an impact this has on everyday life and what can be done to begin to make a difference.
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